Sunday School begins at 9:30 a.m.
Sunday School is the fundamental strategy in the local church for leading people to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and for building Great Commission Christians. This is done through Bible study that engages people in evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, and worship.
The primary purpose of Sunday School is to equip people for ministry, mobilize them, and send them into service. Sunday School leaders and members must be dedicated to seeking, discovering, and inviting spiritually lost people to learn of the good news of the Gospel. Sunday School is a way for every Christian to grow in his or her understanding of and obedience to God. Sunday School is essential for discipleship and uses teaching events as effective ways to address specific life concerns, spiritual issues, church functions, doctrinal issues, and to promote outreach and evangelism. Sunday School includes classes, departments, and other Bible study groups to provide additional opportunities for people to build fellowship beyond the time the group is gathered for Bible study. Sunday School involves people in worship by leading them to acknowledge who Jesus is and to express love for Him personally and corporately.
Effective Sunday Schools require leaders who will respond to the call – that of listening to God’s voice, discerning His message, and declaring His truth to all people through His Church. Sunday School classes are more effective when the leader is the lesson, meaning the leader not only talks about the lesson, but he or she models the lesson in everyday life. Every Sunday School leader is accountable for being an authentic example of Christianity in personal living and by producing new leaders for service through the ministries of the church. Leaders must give time to their own discipleship, to learn about the people they teach, to allow those people to know them, and to pray for the people they teach and desire to reach.
Sunday School Director
Billy Pike